Tracy Jones of Colorado Ballet
My name is Tracy and I am a dancer with the Colorado Ballet.
My typical day is as follows-
I like to wake up and take a hot shower to get moving. My breakfast is usually light as I don't like to take class on a full stomach so it is typically a banana or some eggs with acoffee. My husband Francisco Estevez (who is also a Soloist with Colorado Ballet) and I bought ourselves an espresso machine last Christmas so I like to make my coffee before I head out.
When I know I have a busier day or a day with a show, I will have avocado toast or spinach and egg white omelette.
I get to the studios about 30 minutes before class- giving me time to change, do my hair and a quick warm up which usually involves some of my favorite pilates exercises to turn different muscle groups on.
Tracy Jones: Pre Show Routine from WorldWide Ballet on Vimeo.
If I don't have rehearsal straight after class, I spend some extra time in the studio practicing steps I want to work on and perfect.
Our rehearsal day is typically 11am-6pm with an hour break. On days with a show, we will go to 2.30pm and then have a longer rest before the performance.
I spend a lot of time at the studio as some days my rehearsal schedule is spread out so I will spend time in our pilates/PT room or sewing shoes. I typically go through 1-2 pairs of shoes a week. I wear Bloch Serenade shoes. I do a lot to prepare them, but then they last me a lot longer than expected. I always 3/4 the backs and darn the ends. I then wear them at barre to break them in for whatever I need them for.
Tracy Jones Warm Up from WorldWide Ballet on Vimeo.
During a long run of shows (like Nutcracker), I will have several pairs going at once as this also helps them last a little longer.
A typical rehearsal day finishes at 6pm although sometimes I will be at the studio a little longer as I am also on the faculty at Colorado Ballet Academy and often teach or coach privately in the evenings. On busy days like this, I will grab dinner on the way home- usually a noodle bowl with protein and veggies or sushi.
When we have performances, I like to get to the theatre early so I can organise everything I need for the show (quick changes, props, shoe changes, etc). I am also aperfectionist when it comes to hair and make up so I like to take my time with that. I use mainly Mac make up products along with some products from "Just for redheads".
I will always do some sort of warm up before a show- depending on what I have to perform and how warm I have to be. I also like to have a little stage time to go over any steps that are difficult before they bring down the curtain at the 30 minute call.
After a show, I like to go home and ice any painful muscles or joints and I will sometimes take an Epsom salt bath when necessary. It takes me a little while to feel tired after abusy show as I still have adrenalin going, so I will watch tv (typically an episode or 2 of Friends) and catch up on emails from the day.
I hope this "day in the life" has been helpful :)