400k Q&A

400k Q&A

WWB have just reached 400k followers, and the only question that pops into my head is what is even life?? 400,000 people who check on my little Instagram account, get inspired by the content I post, and 400,000 unique individuals that appreciate the art of ballet. 
I'm overwhelmed with the incredible support and comments I'm getting from you guys, I've never even imagined that 3 years later this is where I'd be ... 
YOU GUYS ARE INCREDIBLE, And I wanted to thank you for every like, follow, comment and minute you take a look at WWB. WWB is what it is today because all of you, because you have inspired me to continue, even when it was hard.. So I just wanted to thank you for being that awesome. 
So now lets get to the fun part! Earlier today I've asked you to ask me any question you might have in mind about anything WWB related, I've picked my favorite questions and answered them for you all!
SO, our first question is from @the_ginger_on_fire, asking :
" What made you want to dance in the first place? If you were to choose your favorite ballet what would it be? " 
A: I started dancing at the age of 3, like all of my friends and simply kept on dancing until I've made to the realization that I want to dance in this life - it was around the age of 8 when I've decided it. I come from a dancing family, my mother used to dance as well as my sister and my aunts, so I was kind of surrounded by it while growing up :) I actaully have my aunts old tutu hanging in my room! Haha
Mhmm.. favorite ballet! that's a hard one! But I think that if I were to choose any piece I'd like to preform in the world  it would probably be Jewels by Balanchine. For me Jewels is timeless, and it is always so exciting to watch! 
@julia_rhyhmsballerina asks : " What keeps you motivated to never give up?"
A: Staying constantly motivated can be hard, but that's the thing in ballet - if you work hard you will progress, and thinking about the progress I've made, not just as a dancer, but as a human being, helps a little. As well, INSTAGRAM! Yep, seeing all of the talent seeking out from all over the world helps me to stay focused and motivated. Hehe, I also am sometimes inspired by my ballet wardrobe, at the moment I own 106 beautiful leotards that always, make me feel comfortable. But the most important thing that motivates me - is thinking about my loved ones and working hard, for them too.

@a.noushkaa asks : " during your dancing journey, were there any type of difficulties you have faced? how did you over come them? and is there any dancing TV shows you watch? "
A: YES. Absolutely yes! Difficulties are everywhere, and you can easily get so frustrated from yourself. For example, last year I went through a faze where I thought that there's no chance I was going to become a ballerina... I stopped believing in myself, and that was the reason why I gave up. So the key is to never stop aspiring and believing, cause without faith, you won't have that drive to push and work hard. Ballet is hard, but I believe that this is a big part of why we love it so much, the race to perfection.
As for TV shows! Haha, yes! While " Breaking Pointe " was aired I adored it, and now I'm more excited than anything about  a new series that's going to be aired on Starz network called "Flesh & Bone". 
@artnelxd05 asks : " Why did/do you consider that ballet is a worldwide language even though we have our own language as literal? "
A: Well, our bodies speak the same language, Bonjour and Shalom might not be worldwide, but Plie and Pirouette is. we all speak the same language when we are inside the studio, and we can be from all over the world, yet understand what our bodies say. It's fascinating to me to think that so many people that might not speak the same language that I do, can understand me through movement.
@noarosinek_ asks ( translated question ) : " If you are planning on becoming a professional dancer, would you rather to stay here in Israel ( and dance for example with the Israeli ballet ) or would you rather to go abroad? If so, then where?"
A: The dream is to become a professional dancer. As for where? My heart belongs in Israel, This is where I was born, yet I believe that it is so important to open yourself to the world and see what it has to offer. I'd be happy as long as I'm dancing, I don't really care where and with who, but as long as I can express and share my passion with the world, I'd be happy :)
@anya_losik asks : " if you weren't a dancer what would you be? " 
A : Ah! The possibilities are endless! first, I absolutely love theater, yet - it's still a preforming art, so I believe that if I were to choose anything else I'd probably be a baker. I absolutely love baking,  to create art that's eatable (lol). It is so much fun to explore the kitchen and it wonders! Haha :)

@yuval1505 asks ( translated question ) : " If you were to offer a scholarship to one of the world's top ballet school, would you go? Even if it means leaving you friends and family behind? "
A: The whole idea of ballet, is basically giving up on many other things, for this beautiful art form. If you are 100% in it - there are no other distractions.. You might miss out many social activities for example, just because you choose to work hard.. If I was offered a scholarship to one of the world's top ballet school, I'd go, simply because I believe that if you want to become a professional, you need to get serious training and open yourself to the world .. Yet, I'm very connected to my family and friends but I do believe that sometimes in life you need to give up on things to become something greater :)
@raddest_brunette asks : " How did your parents reacted when you told them you wanted to be a ballerina? What school do you go to? "
A : My parents have been extremely supportive about me wanting to become a professional ballerina. They believe that ballet can give you a whole lot more than just movement, it builds you a certain lifestyle and it affects on other aspects of your life. I couldn't agree more with this thought, I believe that ballet has designed the person I am today. It teaches you the value of hard work and dedication. 
I currently study at the Jerusalem Charles E. Smith High School for Arts and the School of Jerusalem Dance Theater :)
Quick facts! :
Pointe shoes : Gaynor Minden, Green bag
Flat shoes : Bloch Synchrony
My must have : WWB trashbags, OF COURSE!
Most recently played on my iPhone : " It's Too Late " by Evermore 
Favorite food : Sweet Potato! Or Cake! LOL
Favorite color : Purple
So that was it for today, I hope I gave you a little taste of who am I, and thanks for your awesome questions!! But the biggest thank you is for being who you all are, you have no idea how I appreciate each and every one of you, individually, even if I don't know you personally :) And of course, if you have anything to ask me, don't be afraid to email me ( worldwideballet@gmail.com ) or DM me on @netameirr! 
Sending each and every one of you lots of love,
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1 comment

wow! great post realy love to read who behind this amazing account! thank you for sharing . you are my daily inspiration


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